Saturday, May 29, 2010

Break Broke

I broke up with John.

I have loved him for almost 2 years. I know I'll always love him, always.

But everything about Spenser is worth holding on to. We are good together.

I didn't break up with John because Spenser is a sure thing.

Spenser is a tremendous risk, but I want to do it right this time.

I want to not worry about making someone feel like an other.

It may not have hit me yet, but I don't know if it will. Spenser makes all the jealousy I feel about John and anyone, just stop existing.

Thinking about holding Spenser's hand chases past insecurity away.

I'll always love John, I know I will.

Spenser is good, though. Very good.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

everything is different than it was before

some things change by force

some things just happen

then they are the catalyst for a very new and important change

some people are different than other people

dear is dear, the world over.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5 minutes 5 facts

1. I love King of the Hill.

2. Taylor Swift is awesome.

3. Sleep is healthy and restorative.

4. Yellow flowers are beautiful.

5. Feelings don't always make sense.