Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Corey is...

...done with getting her hopes up. (for now)
...thinking that she should have known better.
...understanding that sometimes, that's just the way it goes.
...considering realistic hopes.
...glad that at least she has new friends.
...tired of being used
...prepared to do great things.
...preparing for a new project.
...registered for college.
...wishing there had been some mention.
...thankful for what she has.
...ready to learn.

those are many many status-es, right now.

I need to stop blogging about boys. There has been not mind fucking with, so, no worries. All is mostly well. After the initial dissapointment, I am recovering well, and quickly.

I am still hoping though, like an IDIOT.

I <3 my job, and Overcomers and Corie. I am happy, I am thankful.


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