Wednesday, December 30, 2009


i am 70% married to a boy in michigan.


Saturday, December 26, 2009


sharp letters and language
do not make you appear better
than anyone
or better.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

while I should be sleeping:

John is gone. He is in DC. I am occupying my time with creativity and money saving. Christmas has so far been almost suspiciously kind. I have received 3 unexpected gifts.

1. A glass bottle of Oberweis milk, from a regular customer at work.

2. $20 in cash from another regular at work, whose name, to be honest, escapes me, but she's really pretty.

3. 2 promotional gift card type thingies to Guitar Center that a customer I had never seen before in my life unloaded on to me, probably because he found me attractive, which works for me in so many ways.

As of late I have been listening to almost exclusively rap and country, which seem to be the 2 genres people like least. "oh, i like everything except rap and country..." I love Taylor Swift.

I feel so bad for succumbing to my ever-so-slightly-can-be psychotic side, sometimes. Being spiteful, and holding grudges, and saying nasty things to someone just to hurt them is not something I like to do. I would never purposely treat people with the disrespect with which I have been treated.

I also shouldn't really say this, but I just think it's something to marvel that there are 30+ year-old women who act like 15 year-old girls, call me names, and tell me that I am a little girl. Plus some of the women I encounter at work just blow my mind. My mother would have screamed her head off at me if I left the kind of mess behind that some of these women do. Older women confuse me.

My boss, who I can sometimes get a little more than frustrated with, is pretty amazing, though. She got anonymously written up in the Sun-Times for her preposterous acts of kindness. I hope I am half as well-liked when I get older. Our shop has a reputation for having incredibly friendly staff, and it's because of her. She remembers people that came in the first week she was open. I do my best, but I just don't quite have the memory she does, and night customers are less regular. Tomorrow I will make even more of an effort, I want to be like her.

Also, I lost 7 lbs! Yay me!

I got my mom some nice Christmas presents. I have been particularly interested in getting things for other people, but have not been making it easy for people who want to get me things. I want movie tickets, and books, and speakers for my record player.

okay, that's enough of that.

Sing it, Taylor.

Also, hi.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

bad day

i had a bad day.

I was late to work, work was frantic and busy.

now i am all dressed up.

that makes me feel better.

hopefully the day will improve.

I feel like a yuppie in the back of a cab, but I don't care enough to budget my time enough to take a train.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I'm sorry you misunderstood me.

John wouldn't use me.

An asshole named Bryan mistook my kindness as flirting and my friendship for something more, and treated me like a piece of meat.

John is great.

John and I are great.
